Let’s admit it- PA life takes a lot out of you, and even in an increasingly virtual era, you’re required to show up, in person, day after day and be fully present for your patients.  

If you’re feeing burned out or need a change, I have great news for you: 

You don’t have to quit
You’re not in the wrong industry
It’s not a “you” problem

Any career needs a refresh after awhile, and it’s no different with PAs. Working in a fast-paced, often stressful environment can take a lot out of you, and it’s completely normal to want a change. I was in your shoes, facing big life changes and wondering how I could continue the work I loved when working full-time as a PA no longer felt feasible. My business mentorship will show you that there are options outside of traditional PA work. I’ll guide you as you do some introspective work to figure out how to re-vamp your career so you can feel invigorated, energized, and passionate about your work again. 

You’ve got the credentials, the smarts, and the drive, so let’s ignite your fire again.
Anything is Poshable!



Join me on your PAthway to Passion